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SME Heroes

At Yunit, we celebrate Portuguese companies

The SME Heroes Award was developed by Yunit Consulting to celebrate the courage of Portuguese companies.

We aim to distinguish and publicise the life stories of entrepreneurs and their companies - examples of strength, courage and vision that generate jobs and wealth for the country. The 5th edition of the initiative counts with Paulo Pereira da Silva, CEO of Renova, as ambassador of the 2023 Awards, as a businessman representing the values distinguished in the competition.

Collaboratorsimpact generated
SME Heroes

Winners of previous editions

General Category
WDMI - Dist. Material Informático Unip., Lda - Winner of the General Category of the 5th edition of the SME Heroes Awards
General Category
FORteams Lab - Grand Winner of the 4th edition of the SME Heroes Awards
FORteams Lab - Grand Winner of the 4th edition of the SME Heroes Awards
General Category
CMM Medical and Rehabilitation Centres Winner - 2nd edition Heroes SME
CMM Medical and Rehabilitation Centres Winner - 2nd edition Heroes SME
General Category
Domus Capital S.A. and Linkare TI - Winner of the Internationalisation Category SME Heroes 5th Edition
General Category
Codepoint - 3rd place in the General Category of the 5th edition of the SME Heroes Awards
Digital Transformation Category - Winner in the Digital Transformation category SME Heroes 5th Edition
Sustainability Category
FORteams LAB, S.A. - Winner in the Sustainability category SME Heroes 5th Edition
Breakthrough Startup Category
Brave Generation Academy Portugal II Lda. - Winner of the Startup Revelation Category Heroes SME 5th Edition
Internationalisation Category
Domus Capital S.A. - 2nd place in the General Category of the 5th edition of the SME Heroes Awards