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SICE Productive Innovation 2024 - Apply Now!

30 04 2024 PT2030 | Investment and Financing
SICE Productive Innovation 2024 - Apply Now!

Portugal 2030: Productive Innovation: 500 Million to Enhance the Competitiveness of Portuguese SMEs. Applications are now open for SICE - Productive Innovation in 2024! 


The new Business Competitiveness Incentive System (SICE) - Productive Innovation (Portugal2030) , equipped with a budget of 500 million euros, opened today, 30th April 2024, representing a clear opportunity for Portuguese Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to increase their competitiveness in 2024!

What changed in 2024? What requirements should I ensure to guarantee a successful application? Who can apply? In this article, learn everything you need to know about the new notice for Productive Innovation to ensure a successful application!

Eligible Project Types

Projects that qualify for this incentive encompass a wide range of initiatives, such as:

  • The creation of a new production facility;
  • Increasing the capacity of an existing facility;
  • Diversifying production to include products not previously manufactured;
  • A fundamental change in the overall production process.

It is crucial that such projects align with strategic sectoral policies, notably Industry 4.0 and the Climate Transition.


Eligible Expenses

Eligible expenses include:

  • Purchase of machinery and equipment, as well as associated transport and installation costs;
  • Computer equipment and the software necessary for its operation, including standard software or software developed specifically for the company's activity;
  • Expenses related to the creation of brands and the acquisition of patents;
  • Works for the construction of new facilities or the expansion/remodeling of existing facilities, aimed at installing new production equipment;
  • Other expenses directly related to the project, such as engineering services, studies, diagnostics, audits, and plans and projects.


Application Periods

Unlike the previous notice launched in 2023, this year we will have only two phases for the submission of applications. The application period started on 30/04/2024, with analysis and decision-making carried out according to the following phases:

  • Phase 1: conclusion on 16/09/2024 (7 pm)
  • Phase 2: conclusion on 30/12/2024 (7 pm)



Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the sectors of Industry, Tourism, and Services can apply.


Financing Rate and Conditions

  • North Region: 40%
  • Centre Region*: Between 40% and 60%
  • Lisbon Region: 40%
  • Alentejo Region*: Between 40% and 60%
  • Algarve Region: 40%

 *In the case of operations located in the NUTS III sub-regions of Alto Alentejo and Beiras and Serra da Estrela, this maximum limit is 50% for medium-sized companies and 60% for micro and small companies.


At Yunit, we take on the role of demystifying and simplifying the entire application process for our clients, optimising the eligibility potential of investment projects: from conducting a coherent economic-financial analysis, aligning the project with relevant indicators in the context of decarbonisation and digital transition, to submitting the application on the specific platform, whose forms require a range of knowledge and skills. It is only by working this way that we achieve success rates of around 76% (SI R&D, INT, QUAL, and INOV), when the market average is 41%.


Prepare your application! Schedule your meeting now, without commitment, with a specialised consultant!👇

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