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SICE Internationalisation of SMEs – Portugal 2030 – Applications Open.

28 06 2024 PT2030 | Investment and Financing
SICE Internationalisation of SMEs – Portugal 2030 – Applications Open.

From Portugal to the World - Everything You Need to Know About the SME Internationalization Incentive System

Applications are open for the SME Internationalization Incentive System (SICE) under the Portugal 2030 framework. From participation in international fairs to attracting new clients in international markets, this article will provide you with all the information you need about the new SME Internationalization notice.

1. What is SICE SME Internationalization?

2. Project Types

3. Eligible Companies

4. Funding Amounts and Rates

5. Application Period

6. Eligible Expenses

7. Operation Domains

8. Internationalization FAQs 

9. Yunit Support

//What is SICE SME Internationalization - Individual Operations?

The Internationalization Incentive System aims to support individual operations promoted by SMEs that seek to enter new markets to increase exports, develop and apply new business models, and enhance the qualification processes for SME internationalization.

//Project Types

Eligible projects are those that involve actions in the following domains:

  1. Knowledge, prospecting, and presence in foreign markets;
  2. Online presence and e-commerce;
  3. Creation and international promotion of brands;
  4. International marketing;
  5. Organizational innovation related to commercial practices or external relations;
  6. Specific certifications for foreign markets.

//Eligible Companies

Eligible for the SME Internationalization System are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of any nature and legal form with organized accounting that intend to internationalize their business.

Sectoral Scope:

Operations within all economic activities are eligible if they aim to produce tradable and internationalizable goods and services with significant economic value creation for the target regions or contribute to the value chain of these goods and services. However, the following sectors are not eligible:

A) Financial and insurance activities; Defense; Lotteries and other betting games;

B) Fisheries and aquaculture sector; Primary agricultural production sector, aid for participation in fairs, and aid for process and organizational innovation.

//Funding Amounts and Rates

Minimum Investment Amount:

Eligible projects must present a minimum eligible investment amount of €200,000 (two hundred thousand euros).

Program Delimitation:

The funding programs for SME Qualification and Internationalization are the Innovation and Digital Transition Program (COMPETE 2030) and the Regional Programs of Lisbon (Lisbon 2030) and Algarve (Algarve 2030). The budget allocation is based on the following principles:

  • For investments located in less developed regions (NUTS II North, Center, and Alentejo), the PITD (COMPETE 2030) funds all operations;
  • For investments located in NUTS II regions of Lisbon and Algarve, the Regional Programs fund operations in their respective regions.

Financing Rates

The maximum rate for the SME Qualification and Internationalization Incentive System is 40%, with the maximum incentive per operation being €315,000, except for the NUTS II region of Algarve.

This notice has a budget allocation of €32 million, with distribution outlined in Table 1: Budget Allocation by Region

 Budget Allocation - SICE SME Internationalization

Table 1: Budget Allocation by Region

//Application Period

The application form will be available on July 7, 2024, with analysis and decision on applications conducted in phases:

1st Phase: Until 09/31/2024 (5 pm)

2nd Phase: Until 12/30/2024 (5 pm)

//Eligible Expenses

Under this notice, the following costs are eligible, provided they are directly related to the development of the operation:

  • Hiring qualified professionals, including base salary and mandatory social charges, except for per diem allowances;
  • Participation in international fairs and exhibitions, including space rental and stand setup and operation;
  • Specialized consulting by external consultants, not continuous or periodic, including expenses with accountants or auditors, product certification, brand registration, domiciliation and subscription of applications, membership in electronic platforms, or inclusion in directories and search engines;
  • Specialized consulting to incorporate ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles, including environmental audits and certifications like the Ecological Label and EMAS;
  • Other expenses related to the promotion of internationalization, including prospecting for new clients and promotional actions in foreign markets.

Learn more about eligible expenses for SICE - SME Internationalization - Individual Operations in our summary sheet.

//Operation Domains

Operation domains can be approached in two main categories: marketing innovation and organizational innovation. Marketing innovation involves implementing a new approach to the marketing mix (product, price, distribution/logistics, and promotion) in offering tradable goods. This innovation covers tangible elements like quality, design, and packaging, as well as intangible elements like image and brand. The goal is to improve product quality, promote it, and distribute it efficiently in targeted markets at competitive prices, creating a differentiated and valuable positioning. This is achieved using sophisticated marketing tools, both traditional (outbound) such as advertising and stands at fairs, and digital (inbound) such as website design, viral marketing, and search engine optimization.

Organizational innovation, on the other hand, involves implementing a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization, or the company’s external relations. This includes qualifying and developing human resources, adopting a management model oriented towards open innovation (market-oriented), and implementing management systems that reconcile professional, personal, and family life, certified by accredited entities. The goal is to align products and services with customer needs while promoting a work environment that values innovation and work-life balance. Both categories aim to enhance the competitiveness and adaptability of companies to the dynamic demands of the market.

//Internationalization FAQs

1. How to Internationalize a Business?

Internationalization is a bold step for many SMEs but should not be seen as an obstacle. Instead, it is a challenge and an opportunity to enter new markets and increase competitiveness. There are seven key topics to consider before proceeding: Motivation, International Propensity of the Product/Business, Differentiation from Competition, Evaluation of Change, Process Direction, Required Financing, Market Approach.

The Internationalization Incentive System and a specialized team are essential for helping reduce the risk of internationalization and mark the beginning of a new growth phase for Portuguese companies.

// Yunit Support – Making SMEs Great

At Yunit, you will find support tailored to the specifics of your project, ensuring the success of your application!

1. Analysis of investments and framework;

2. Preparation of strategic analysis and feasibility study:

  • The business;
  • The market;
  • Strategy formulation;

3. Economic and financial feasibility study.

4. Application process;

5. Support for the implementation of the investment project.

At Yunit, our role is to simplify the application process for our clients, optimizing the eligibility potential of investment projects: from conducting a coherent economic-financial analysis to aligning the project with relevant indicators for decarbonization and submitting the application on the specific platform, which requires a series of skills and knowledge.

Being an SME ourselves, facing similar logic and challenges to those of our clients, places us in a privileged and close position, enabling us to identify and diagnose market changes and opportunities, translate them into the context of each of our clients, and support their adaptation to respond effectively and continue creating value.

By working this way, we achieve success rates around 76% (SI R&D, INT, QUAL, and INOV), compared to the market average of 41%.


Yunit Consulting: Together, Let's Make the Leap

Source: Compete 2030: SICE - SME Internationalization - Individual Operations

Last update: June 28, 2024

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