The 1st edition of the M&A Summit, organized by ECO, with the support of Yunit Consulting and PRA - Raposo, Sá Miranda & Associados, took place today, June 21st, to explore the latest trends in the world of mergers and acquisitions, what are the challenges and benefits of integrating cultures during a merger or acquisition, the role of mergers and acquisitions in growth and innovation in various industries.

Among the various topics covered by the guests, we highlight the following insights:
- The fundamental role of intermediaries in M&A operations (Isabel Ucha, President of Euronext).
- Family businesses generally only resort to M&A in a succession logic. Until recently, these types of operations were carried out by good companies that wanted to grow and at the investor's option. From now on we will see operations more from the perspective of companies that need to come together and find investors (Pedro Raposo, Chairman of PRA).
- A greater dynamic of mergers & acquisitions is expected, taking place in Telecommunications and Media, followed by renewables and the financial system (António Ramalho, Vice President of the FIL Group).
- Company successions are difficult because self-made men are in the final stages of their careers and their children may not be interested in continuing the business or might be afraid of the risk. The 2nd and 3rd generations are much more concerned about the risk and costs of financing. The failures of this type of operations are mostly due to the lack of alignment of expectations, the lack of strategy definition and the difficulties in integrating people and cultures (Bernardo Maciel, CEO of Yunit).
- We live in an external context, resulting from the pandemic and the war that is generating a trend of deglobalization and reindustrialization of small industries in Europe, which are already seeing a growth in demand, particularly in Portugal. The most relevant sectors are health and social support, due to the aging population, agri-food, due to food sovereignty and renewable energy, resulting from the climate transition (Nuno Fernandes Thomaz, Senior Partner at Core Capital).
The recording will be shared soon, which will feature a special intervention by Miguel Azevedo – Chairman Citi Investment Bank Middle East & Africa, who will provide a portrait of Mergers & Acquisitions in the World.

For the success of M&A operations, it is essential to use experienced and qualified professional support. At Yunit Consulting you can find a team of specialized consultants that will help you in the adaptation of the M&A process to your reality, monitoring it and adding value at all stages of the process.
For more information, schedule a free no-obligation meeting with our experts by calling: +351 21 330 72 02, or send your questions to: