The 1st M&A Summit, an ECO organization in partnership with Yunit Consulting and PRA - Raposo, Sá Miranda & Associados, will take place on June 21st at 9:30 am in the ECO Auditorium in Lisbon, bringing together some of the main industry leaders, executives and experts to explore the latest trends, challenges and opportunities in the world of mergers and acquisitions.
M&A operations offer several benefits, considering the difficulties of organic growth and the current cost of capital and/or treasury surpluses. Advantages stand out in terms of synergies, economies of scale, entry into new markets, diversification, access to new technologies, obtaining qualified resources, reducing competition, among others.
However, companies do not always consider this reality to be relevant in the context of SMEs. Therefore, on the morning of June 21st, 6 guests led by António Costa and André Veríssimo from ECO will debate the role of mergers and acquisitions in growth and innovation in various sectors, in expanding into new markets and in creating new opportunities for small and medium-sized companies.
Openning 9:30 am - António Costa - ECO's Director
09:35 am Talk: Mergers and Acquisitions - a path to growth
Bernardo Maciel - CEO Yunit
Nuno Fernandes Thomaz - Senior Partner Core Capital
Moderador: André Veríssimo - Editor ECO
11:45 am Talk: The Portrait of Mergers in the World - António Costa withMiguel Azevedo - Chairman Citi Investment Bank Middle East & Africa
The event will have a hybrid format and enrollments are now open.
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