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LinkedIn Live – Opportunities for SME Growth and Expansion

06 06 2024
LinkedIn Live – Opportunities for SME Growth and Expansion

YUNIT LIVE LINKEDIN - Launch of the new initiative by YUNIT Consulting aimed at Simplifying, Demystifying, and Bringing SMEs closer to the Funding Opportunities promoted by PT2030. 

Anyone who is a CEO, manages projects, or is responsible for the financial area of an SME knows the constant challenges inherent in Innovation, Growth, and Expansion of these companies.

The desire to grow, develop new products, increase production capacity, and internationalise is common among most Portuguese Entrepreneurs and Managers.

The reality is that, in many cases, it remains just a desire, a dream, or even an objective that stays on paper, often due to a lack of funding, lack of experienced human resources, fear of the unknown, or not having an experienced partner to guide the company.

At Yunit, being an SME and having similar logic and challenges as our clients places us in a privileged and close position to be able to identify and diagnose market changes and opportunities, translate them into the context of each of our clients, and support their change and adaptation to provide the best response and continue to create value.

It is based on our commitment to "Make SMEs Great Companies" that we launched Yunit Live LinkedIn, an initiative based on three principles:

  • Simplify not only the main funding opportunities available to leverage the growth of SMEs' goals and projects but also to make known the main fiscal instruments that can help reduce corporate tax and apply this reduction to investment in new projects;
  • Demystify in a transparent way all the necessary processes so that all companies can benefit from existing funding opportunities;
  • Bring closer Entrepreneurs, Managers, and Leaders of Portuguese companies to the opportunities promoted by PT2030. We believe that the more entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders we bring closer to the various existing opportunities, the more equipped and aware SMEs will be to take advantage of these opportunities.

In about 30 minutes, online and live on LinkedIn, fortnightly, two of our consultants simplify the highlighted topic, demystify the process, identify the key factors that companies should consider when preparing their application, and answer the most frequently asked questions by Portuguese entrepreneurs. Check the agenda of upcoming Yunit Live sessions here

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Watch the live sessions here. 👇

🗓️ 5 April | Yunit Live LinkedIn: Tax Benefits - SIFIDE, RFAI, and ICE

Aplly Now

About the Live Session: 
  • How can Tax Benefits help SMEs grow by reducing corporate tax?
  • What are they, and what are they for?
  • How do they work, and how can I prepare my application? 

These and many other questions are answered in detail by our consultants, who simplify what tax benefits are, demystify the application process and its underlying requirements, and introduce entrepreneurs to an effective solution to reduce the amount of corporate tax payable and use this reduction for investments in subsequent years. 

🗓️ 9 May | Passport for SME Internationalisation

LinkedIn Live Internationalisation

About the Live Session: 
  • How can internationalisation incentives reduce the risk of an internationalisation process?
  • What factors should I consider before internationalising my business?
  • How does it work, and how can I prepare my application?

These and many other questions are answered in detail by our consultants, who not only simplify and help understand how these incentives can help companies reduce risk but also how they can become the driving force behind international growth. They demystify the application process and its underlying requirements and introduce Portuguese entrepreneurs to a unique opportunity to broaden horizons for the growth of Portuguese SMEs. 

Together, we go further! We want to make your SME a Great Company! Register now! 

🗓️ 16 May | Special Productive Innovation - What Changed in 2024?

Special LinkedIn Live Productive Innovation

About the Live Session: 
  • What has changed in the new Productive Innovation notice?
  • How can companies increase their competitiveness with the productive innovation incentive system?
  • How does it work, and how can I prepare my application?

The new Productive Innovation Incentive for companies operating in the Industry, Tourism, and Services sectors opened on 30 April. There are 500 million for SMEs, +140 million more than initially planned. But what changed in 2024? Who can apply? What types of projects are eligible? These and many other questions will be answered by our guests. This time, we will hear first-hand from one of our clients about the journey from ideation to project realisation.

Your vision has brought you this far; together, let's take the leap! Join us👇

🗓️ 23 May | Digitalising, Optimising, and Boosting the Growth of SMEs 

LinkedIn Live SME Qualification

About the Live Session: 
  • What is the Qualification Incentive, and what types of projects may be eligible?
  • How can companies reduce costs with Digitalisation and Process Optimisation?
  • How does it work, and how can I prepare my application?

With the forecasted opening of the Qualification SI on 31 May 2024, it is important to clarify the most frequent questions among entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders of Portuguese companies. These and many other questions are answered in detail by our consultants, who simplify and help to understand how these incentives can help companies reduce costs with digitalisation and process optimisation. They also demystify the application process and its underlying requirements and present Portuguese entrepreneurs with a unique opportunity to reduce costs and scale the growth of their businesses. 

Together, we go further! We want to make your SME a Great Company! Register now! 

🗓️ 6 June | Demystifying Research and Development in 30 Minutes

LinkedIn Live R&D

About the Live Session: 
  • What is the Research and Technological Development Incentive, and what types of projects may be eligible?
  • How can companies make Research and Development a differentiating factor and turn it into a competitive advantage?
  • How does it work, how can I prepare my application, and what should I ensure to benefit from a grant rate of up to 80% non-refundable?

With applications ongoing, it is crucial to introduce Entrepreneurs, Managers, and Leaders to Portugal 2030, one of the best supports for Portuguese companies. There is no doubt that, in most cases, lack of knowledge and complexity cause many companies to miss out on this type of incentive. Our experience shows us that many entrepreneurs are unaware of the concept of research and development, often carrying out various projects without benefiting from this incentive. From developing new products to optimising production processes, our consultants will simplify and help understand not only what this incentive entails but also explain how companies can make Research and Development a differentiating factor.

We will demystify the application process and its underlying requirements and present Portuguese entrepreneurs with a unique opportunity to scale their businesses, increase competitive advantages, and differentiate themselves from their competitors. 

Together, we go further! We want to make your SME a Great Company! Register now! 

🗓️ 10 July | Boosting the Competitiveness of the Tourism Sector with LAQO!

LinkedIn Live LAQO

About the Live Session: 
  • What is the Line of Support for Tourism Offer, and what types of projects can benefit from this support?
  • How can companies in the Tourism sector boost their competitiveness with this line?


    How to identify the best option for my business, LAQO or SICE for Productive Innovation?

The Line of Support for Tourism Offer (LAQO) is an initiative by Turismo de Portugal aimed at supporting the development and qualification of the tourism offer in the country. This funding line is intended for companies in the tourism sector that want to improve the quality of their services, products, and infrastructure, making them more competitive and sustainable. In this Live session, we will simplify this financial instrument and its main requirements, demystify the application process, and help Tourism Entrepreneurs identify the best option for their business.

Together, let's take the leap. Register now 👇

Upcoming Yunit Live LinkedIn 

Check out upcoming Live sessions here 👇

 No scheduled events. Be the first to receive information about new events, here



Yunit Consulting: Together, let's take the Leap

Last update: 10 July 2024

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