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InvestEU - How to Benefit from the Support Lines of the Portuguese Development Bank

29 07 2024 Investment and Financing
InvestEU - How to Benefit from the Support Lines of the Portuguese Development Bank

The InvestEU lines are now known. In this article, we provide a simple and concise overview of everything you need to know about this new programme and understand how these support lines can positively impact the growth of Portuguese companies.


Table of Contents

1. About InvestEU

2. Objectives of InvestEU 

3. Strategic Axes

4. Lines of the Portuguese Development Bank

5. How to Benefit from the Lines of the Portuguese Development Bank

6. Yunit Support


//About InvestEU

InvestEU is a European Union initiative aimed at promoting sustainable investments, innovation, and digitalisation. The agreement signed between the European Commission and the Portuguese Development Bank aims to mobilise more than 3 billion euros for investments by 2027 that align with the European Union's policy priorities, such as the European Green Deal and the Digital Transition.


//Objectives of InvestEU

The InvestEU programme builds on the success of the Investment Plan for Europe. Known as the Juncker Plan, it mobilised more than 500 billion euros to support Portuguese companies between 2015 and 2020.

The main objective of the InvestEU Programme is to support financing operations that promote competitiveness, including research, innovation and digitalisation, economic growth, sustainability, job creation, as well as the sustainable and inclusive economic recovery of the EU following the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The European Commission has provided the BPF with a guarantee of up to 210 million euros, which is expected to mobilise more than 3 billion euros in funding. This partnership makes the BPF the first Portuguese partner to distribute InvestEU, using the EU guarantee to foster investments in three strategic areas: Sustainable Infrastructure, SMEs, and Social Investment and Skills.

This EU Guarantee is expected to mobilise a total investment of over 372 billion euros across the EU by 2027, with 30% of this investment allocated to climate policies.

The programme thus aims to:

  • Support EU priorities: economic recovery, green growth, employment, and social welfare.
  • Facilitate investment: simplify access to EU financing with uniform rules and a single point of contact for advice.
  • Attract investors: use the EU budget guarantee to attract private and public investors.
  • Maximise EU funds: enhance the impact of public funds, mobilising at least 372 billion euros by 2027.
  • Improve the investment environment: support investment, structural reforms, and fiscal responsibility, making Europe attractive to businesses.


//Strategic Axes


Green Transition

Financing for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Support projects of innovative companies, including those operating in the cultural and creative sectors.

Innovation and Digitalisation

Research, Innovation, and Digitalisation

Encourage the adoption of digital technologies and innovation in business operations.

Social Inclusion and Skills

Social Inclusion and Skills

Invest in projects that promote social inclusion and skills development.

Sustainable Infrastructure

 Sustainable Infrastructure 

Funding for infrastructures that support the transition to a sustainable and digital economy.


//Lines of the Portuguese Development Bank

Sustainable Urban Mobility

Sustainable Urban Mobility

For SMEs and Small Mid-Caps operating in the transport sector, 284 million euros to support the purchase of vehicles, construction of infrastructure to support the electrification of the sector, and expansion of the hydrogen supply distribution network. 

SMEs and Small Mid-Caps

SMEs and Small Mid-Caps

For SMEs and Small Mid-Caps, this programme has an allocation of €2.560.000.000 to support sustainable investments (1.280 million), general investments (640 million), and working capital needs (640 million).

Research, Innovation, and Digitalisation

Research, Innovation, and Digitalisation

Support and promote business growth through investment in Research, Innovation, and Digitalisation. This line, aimed at SMEs and Small Mid-Caps, has an allocation of 711 million euros. 


//How to Benefit from the Lines

Interested companies should request a Mutual Guarantee from an adhering credit institution or a Mutual Guarantee Society (SGM).

Credit Institutions

  • ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A.
  • Banco BAI Europa S.A.
  • Banco BIC Português, S.A.
  • Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A. - Branch in Portugal
  • Banco BPI, S.A.
  • Banco Carregosa, S.A.
  • Banco Comercial Português, S.A.
  • Banco Santander Totta, S.A.
  • Bankinter, S.A. – Branch in Portugal
  • Caixa Central de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo, CRL
  • Caixa Crédito Agrícola Mútuo Bombarral, CRL
  • Caixa Crédito Agrícola Mútuo Chamusca, CRL
  • Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo de Leiria, CRL
  • Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo de Mafra, CRL
  • Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo de Torres Vedras, CRL
  • Caixa Económica da Misericórdia de Angra do Heroísmo, Caixa Económica Bancária, S.A.
  • Caixa Económica Montepio Geral, Caixa Económica Bancária, S.A
  • Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A.
  • Novo Banco Açores, S.A.
  • Novo Banco, S.A.

Mutual Guarantee Societies

  • Agrogarante, Sociedade de Garantia Mútua, S.A.
  • Garval, Sociedade de Garantia Mútua, S.A.
  • Lisgarante, Sociedade de Garantia Mútua, S.A.
  • Norgarante, Sociedade de Garantia Mútua, S.A


//Yunit Support

Yunit Consulting stands alongside companies at every stage of the process. We offer support in the preparation of the business plan, filling out application forms, and advisory during project analysis. We ensure that your company maximises the financing opportunities available through InvestEU.



Yunit Consulting: Together, let's take the Leap

Last update: 29 July 2024

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