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O Sistema de Incentivos à Qualificação das PME tem como objetivo capacitar as empresas através da qualificação e digitalização dos seus modelos de negócio. Este programa foca-se no uso de fatores imateriais de competitividade, promovendo estratégias de negócio avançadas, maior integração em cadeias globais e o aumento da competitividade das PME em mercados nacionais e internacionais.
São suscetíveis de apoio as projetos de qualificação e digitalização dos modelos de negócio das PME, que visem a adoção de estratégias de negócio mais avançadas, que incrementem a capacidade de integração em cadeias globais e que estejam enquadrados em pelo menos 2 destes domínios imateriais:
Marketing innovation involves implementing a new approach to the marketing mix (product, price, distribution/logistics, and promotion) in the offering of tradable goods. This innovation encompasses both tangible elements, such as quality, design, and packaging, and intangible ones, such as image and branding. The goal is to improve product quality, promote and distribute it efficiently in defined target markets, at competitive prices, creating a differentiated and valuable positioning. To achieve this, sophisticated marketing tools are used, both traditional (outbound), such as advertising and trade fair stands, and digital (inbound), such as website design, viral marketing, and search engine optimisation.
It consists of implementing a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation, or the company’s external relations. This includes the qualification and development of human resources, the adoption of a management model oriented towards open innovation (market-oriented), and the implementation of management systems that balance professional, personal, and family life, certified by accredited entities. The aim is to align products and services with customer needs, fostering a work environment that values innovation and work-life balance. Both categories aim to enhance the competitiveness and adaptability of companies to the dynamic demands of the market.
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